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Container is received, but detention has added 50% to the cost, carried onto the end product.
Firethorns on special @ R150ea
You can determine whether it is dead as follows.
1. Look for any signs of visible life, such as a leaf. The leaf may be green but crispy, thus the leaf is dead. Then Look for tiny buds that may be forming, the size of a pin head. If there is no visible sign of life.
2. The branches should be bendable and not snap like a dry twig.
3. With your fingernail or a sharp instrument, such as a knife, nick a branch by taking off a sliver of bark and look for any sign of green under the bark. If
there is no sign bend the branch. If the branch is flexible there may be life. If it snaps like a twig it is dead.
4. Continue looking for signs of life as above by nicking, the branches and working your way down to the base of the trunk.
The bark may also looked wrinkled or an undertone of red, which is a sign of death.
If there is still no sign of life continue looking for life into any exposed roots. If there is no sign of life, remove the tree from the pot and look for signs of life in the roots. The roots, if dead will probably be soft from watering and there may be signs of rot. If underwatered the roots may be brittle. If this is so, then the tree is dead and there is nothing that can be done.
Should you find signs of life, place the tree in a shaded outside area where it does not receive any direct sunshine, only natural shaded sunlight. Do not feed or fertilise the bonsai. Water every day. The roots need air and over watering may cause root rot. So keep the soil damp. Then wait for mother nature to do her job.
Usually bonsai are lost from lack of water. Bonsai are twatered like a cactus and given water once a week or a water spray bottle. PLEASE DO NOT do this. Give the bonsai water until it drips out of the bottom holes. Too much water is better than too little water, if you are unsure.
Bonsai are kept inside too long in dark areas, and have been derived of the process to photosynthesise.
They are over fertilises, which results in root burn.
Water, light, fertilizers, air
Everyone who does bonsai, has killed a bonsai.
You may have a bonsai that does not grow in your climatic area. The tree may require very specific environmental factors.
Or the tree has rubbish soil or substraite mix. The sick tree may not entirely be your fault.
The important thing, is to get up and try again, should you fail.
What happened?
We are a Bonsai Nursery, based in Midrand, Gauteng, South Africa. We import pots, tools and accessories directly, enabling us to give the lowest prices. We grow and style our own trees, species suitable to the High Veld environmental conditions. We supply and consult to bonsai clubs and growers, corporates, nurseries, weddings, promotional gift companies and individuals.